This song is a direct descendant of eP’s Irtiqa album. The architect of that album, Xulfi, holds the mixing and production credits on this song. In fact, Xulfi has been a close partner with the band, Karakoram, for their entire debut album. The band told TPR Pod that Covid-19 caused the band to rethink their strategy of releasing singles, and pushed them to put out an album instead. Xulfi’s role in the album has ensured that these songs, which by their nature require a big sound, do sound that way on the final recording through intense attention to detail in recording technique and equipment. Karakoram’s partnership with Xulfi actually extends much further back, through the band members’ involvement with Nescafé Basement.
For rock lovers this song is a treat. It is unfortunate for a band this good that rock does not command the broad appeal it did a few years ago. And perhaps 15 years ago this song would have been the rage, but it’s not half bad today.
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